85% of your patients wish to die at home; however, studies show 50% will die in the hospital. Your goal for your patients is to relieve suffering and help them live life to the fullest. An earlier referral to Arkansas Hospice means that specialized pain and symptom management can begin earlier, not only managing current symptoms but also preventing others that may occur. You are ensuring optimal quality and quantity* of life.
The median length of stay for hospice patients in 2018 was 18 days* even though months of care can be covered by Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance. At the same time, family evaluations of hospice care often include comments such as, “Why didn’t my doctor tell me about this sooner?”
An earlier referral to Arkansas Hospice keeps your patient in their home, on their terms.
Arkansas Hospice now offers Telehealth support for patients and their families in nursing homes, inpatient centers, and their homes.