“Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength… it is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.” — Charles Spurgeon
When I took one of those ‘What’s Your Word for 2021?’ tests around the New Year, the word REST came up. At first I didn’t think much about it, it was just one of those silly Facebook quiz algorithms. But as we are entering month two of 2021, I catch myself reflecting on this word more and more, drawn to the flashing neon sign in my head and wondering how I can incorporate rest into my daily life. I am finding the word to be a pillar for my daily self and using it to create healthy boundaries. After all, we are not only enduring the change of the times, we are running the race head-on into unknown territory, and… IT IS TIRING; it’s been a long hard year since this time last year. Then, we were just on the brink of COVID-19 and probably never imagining the toll it would take on our assumptive world. Add in political UN-rest (lets agree that no matter which side you are on, it was distressing and fearful in many ways), and loss in every form of the word from tangible to intangible.
So how can we be deliberate about rest and use a word to guide our intentions? Carve out segments of time… Every… Single… Day… to step away from the grind. This may mean a few minutes at your desk with your eyes closed, feet grounded on the floor, feeling the power of your lungs rise and fall with each breath, and knowing you are strong. It may mean ordering food in once a week as a symbolic way of resting from the dinner chores. It may mean scheduling a time for bible study, meditation, phoning a friend, reading, going to the gym—whatever restores your soul. It may mean spending time alone and enjoying your own company. It may mean using the CALM App Sleep Stories. It may mean finally finding a therapist. You get the idea. Anything that is restorative, not just sleep, can be the game changer to fulfill you. The key here is being intentional about rest and restoration. Are you fatigued or weary? Perhaps REST is your word of the year, too.
This is the first time I’ve focused on a word to anchor me, and I am certain this will be a new guiding principle throughout life. And through my Facebook moment, I realized that I have rest deficits to work on. Watch this great TED Talk on The 7 types of rest that every person needs to learn more.
*AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sometimes this newsletter is written from the perspective of the collective “we” and at other times it is necessary to write from one’s inner perspective of “I” as done today. Regardless of the style, the EWC always collaborates to send you the most useful information and most effective format.
Be Well …
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