“Tension can be useful, exciting, flirtatious, strength-building, or destructive. Put yourself in charge of how you direct it.” — Tara Stiles
Real talk: The collective “we” who provide the monthly posters and accompanying emails know there is real likelihood that some of you don’t read what we write and send. Hey, we get it: one more email to read, one more thing to do, one more suggestion for self-care.
If you do read these emails, we thank you. Every now and then, you send a message back saying that one touched you in some way and we thank you for that, as well.
It takes a village to put these monthly messages together, otherwise it wouldn’t work. We all have our gifts and strengths. One of us really does meditate daily while one of us can barely sit still. One of us exercises every day while one of us would puke if we tried to run around the block. You get the idea. But “we” DO have our hearts in the right places when we reach out to you every month, and rest assured, these gentle reminders are just as much for us as they are for you.
The point is, this month’s message is powerful and easy to do in the moment. Like, right now.
When we took the above for a test run, something immediately became apparent: we spend A LOT of time with clenched jaws and bunched up shoulders.
Being intentional in undoing all of that takes less than one minute. Aren’t you worth that? And don’t you already feel better?
Now, do it again while you’re walking the dog or sitting in traffic or watching American Ninja Warrior. Then, do it again.
We so hope you’ll give yourself the gift of this month’s message. And hey, feel free to drop us a line and let us know how it’s going.
Be Well … Truly.
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